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Mission Statement

Tracks expertise is in interfacing, controlling and supporting new output or control technologies within the PC and Workstation environment. Tracks distrinute plotters, large format printers, and other forms of graphical output technology including EDM systems, for high speed, high quality, colour and monochrome A3 to A0 plots at very high resolutions.

The mission statement for the distribution activities is to obatin, sell and support leading-edge, innovative technoloy plotters, and other forms of graphical output devices, for existing and emerging applications. Tracks seek to be in the forefront of technology and to open up new and lucrative opportunities with emerging products. These new poducts benefit from Track's in depth knowledge of graphical applications and proven ability to introduce products to the UK market effectively. The involvement that Tracks have sought out with progressive generations of plotters mean that they have an established user base and an established channel for replacement technology plotters as they become available.

The mission of the electronics design side of the business is very similar. To obtain, sell and support leading-edge, innovative technology for the design, prototyping and short-run production PCB's. As expertise in the design area has become mor common place the business ha progressed and moved on to be the leading supplier of high speed PCB prototyping solutions to the UK & Irish electronics industries.

From the mechanical PCB prototyping systems a range of Laser systems have been developed for Hybrid PCB's and SMD Stencils. This trend to stay at the leading edge of availability technology will continue.

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